Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are the Champions my friend...

Chaffin Cougars are the 7th grade Fort Smith City Champs!
Tonight was the last jr. high game, and we beat Ramsey (Yeah!). Two seasons down! I really do love it, but by the end of the season it gets a bit long. Also, I never see my husband during football.
This weekend I am looking forward to spending some time with friends in Fayetteville. But I have been trashing my closet to find something that I could wear. How did my clothes situation get so bad. Oh I remember, I spend all of my time at games. If I do shop it is a quick run in and grab something. I really need to spend some time on my wardrobe. This brings me to my second point, I feel that I am at a awkward dressing age. I don't want to look like I am trying to dress to young, but I definitely don't want to age myself by 20 years. Does anyone else have this problem??
Well I hope you have a wonderful Friday! The weekend is just around the corner!!!


Dania Efird said...

Hey Brooke! I found your site from facebook! We have lots of friends that are coaches/coaches wives. I know they are all ready for football to be over with as well! Congrats on the win!

Kristy said...

Hey Brooke! I am visiting after seeing your myspace... I know how you feel about the clothes. A 4th grade boy told me that my shirt (just a plain red button down shirt) made me look like I was in my 30s. That made me feel so ancient, but I don't want to look 15! =)